I recently was asked to update a Web page with a rather long list of names, which were provided in a Word document. I use a combination of Dreamweaver and Expression Web, because they both have good tools for stripping out problematic HTML from Word, but today they weren’t much help. This particular document had… Continue reading Don’t Forget to Clean Your Code!
Deja Vu All Over Again
We’ve been driving around parts of Panama City the past week and a half during our off time, mostly around Albrook and Balboa areas. It’s been weird knowing that I’ve been here before, but not really the same areas. Until this past Saturday. See, this is the first country, really the first city, I’ve been… Continue reading Deja Vu All Over Again
Living With ADD…look, a Butterfly!
Wednesday nights at church have been pretty interesting the past month or so. I’ve been part of a class for parents and educators of children with ADD/ADHD. I’m neither, but it seems like a perfect fit for me since I’ve been living with ADD for over 20 years now. In fact, just getting to the… Continue reading Living With ADD…look, a Butterfly!