I got the chance to present a little bit about the new WordPress editor (Gutenberg) at the OKC WordPress Developer Group meetup this afternoon. I left there with more questions than I had thought of going into it, which is great, but still a bit unnerving.
Thankfully, there are lots of really smart and dedicated folks working on the new editor, and have shared what they know already in blog posts, talks, and code. ?
Here’s a few of the resources I found most helpful the past couple of weeks as I spent time learning, questioning, and figuring out what to share:
- The stages of grief (I reached “acceptance at WordCamp US 2017)
- The Gutenberg editor plugin to start testing your sites now.
- The Classic Editor plugin to restore the current editor experience.
- What’s new in Gutenberg? posts on the Make WordPress Core blog.
- Courses for learning Gutenberg (both user- and developer-focused)
- React-based block generator script (create-guten-block)
- Gutenberg talks from various WordCamps
- Gutenberg News
- Converting shortcodes to blocks (great way to get started with a real-world deliverable)
- The Gutenberg Handbook
- The Gutenberg code repo
- 10up’s “Ads in a Gutenberg World” post
- Bill Erickson shares his process in “Building a Gutenberg Block.”
- Not everyone is happy about the new editor. Iain Poulson shares some concerns.
- ACF announces support for Gutenberg in the next release.
- “Page Builders in a Gutenberg World” from the Beaver Builder team.
Still some questions
There were some questions I hadn’t anticipated or didn’t have a good (or even bad, in some cases) answer for. Those are the greatest. I’ll list them here and would love it if anyone who has an answer would leave it in the comments.- What about Custom Post Types? Do they get Gutenberg support automatically?
- What happens to my custom meta boxes? How do I register them with Gutenberg?
- Can you nest blocks?
- What happens when you remove the comments surrounding blocks?
- Can you put multiple paragraphs into a single block?
- What about page builders?
- How does this work with WooCommerce?