I’m a Web developer with a passion for creating stable, secure, performant, and accessible websites using PHP and JavaScript. I use WordPress for the majority of my work, but have built my own microframeworks for sites and apps, and love to explore new languages and development trends.
Contract contributor to both client and internal projects, with an emphasis on back-end development with PHP and NodeJS.
Built and maintained custom themes and plugins for a variety of agency clients: large software companies, universities, nonprofits, and financial advisors.
Recruited to lead development and management of e-commerce and membership sites built on WordPress, where I worked directly with the owner and the CTO to ensure seamless sales flow from static marketing site to WordPress membership site for each property.
Working in a challenging environment, served as Lead Developer for ThinkHealth Touch, an application written in JavaScript for mobile devices, built on the Cordova/PhoneGap app framework.
The first (and only) person to take on this role of the bridge between the Communications and IT departments for management of the association’s public website, I was responsible for defining the position and experimenting with ways to modernize the site and editorial workflows.
Contribute to a variety of Open Source projects in small ways, but most contributions are to WordPress in the form of code and documentation.
Graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies with an emphasis in business, history, and Bible. Other areas of study include information systems, marketing, and management.
Served in a variety of roles throughout a 12-year career, with special emphasis on networked command and control systems, and in leadership positions in both administrative and national defense roles.
In a client-focused agency role, create custom WordPress themes and plugins to further client’s goals, specifically related to SEO and marketing.
As a senior developer, I helped standardize and document our team’s code standards (writing and reviewing) and automated deployment process.