Do You Write Code? Do You Work With Others? Read This.

Prima Donna per pound
A bit cheesy, dontcha think?

I admit, I’m guilty of one or more of these (especially the Prima Donna), but there are things that I can — and do — work on. Reading this article made me rethink some of my attitudes as a developer and a manager, but it was this one line made the whole article come together:

What’s worse, they don’t have a single ounce of Asperger’s in them, so they insist on staring at your eyes throughout the meeting.

Read the whole thing here: Hopefully you’ll get some insight into how you and your office works together.

By Morgan

By day I try to solve problems with websites and other stuff using PHP, JavaScript, and shell scripts. By night I hang out with my family, watch TV, and read. I (mostly) embrace my ADHD and the diversity of interests it brings. Lately those include ham radio and taekwondo, but LEGO, Doctor Who, and Star Wars are always in the mix. Faith, family, function().